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TEM 8 真题训练 21篇
日期: 2020-05-26      信息来源:      点击数:

TEM 8真题训练21





























































Like students fromother Asian countries and regions, most Chinese students who come to pursuetheir further education in the United States work on their studies mostdiligently and assiduously. Even on weekends, they would frequently spend oneday, or even two days, to work overtime in their laboratories. Therefore,compared with their American counterparts, they are more academically fruitful.My supervisor is of Asian origin. He is addicted to alcohols and cigarettes,with a sharp/irritable temper. Nevertheless, he highly appreciates the industryand the solid foundational knowledge of Asian students and has a particularlykeen insight into what Asian students have on their mind. Hence, of allthe students recruited into his laboratory, except for one German, the otherfive were all from Asia. He even put an eye-catching notice on the door of hislab, which read, “All the research assistants of this laboratory are requiredto work 7 days a week, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.. Nothing but work duringthe working hours.” This supervisor is reputed on the entire campus for hisseverity and harshness. During the 3 and a half years that I stayed there, atotal of 14 students were recruited into his laboratory and only 5 of themstayed until they graduated with their Ph.D. degrees. In the summer of 1990,ignoring the dissuasions from others, I accepted my supervisor’s sponsorshipand embarked on my difficult journey of academic pursuit.



The current visit toTaiwan for exchange, brief and cursory as it is, has enabled us to see manyplaces, to visit old friends while making new acquaintances. Whenever peoplegather together, an important topic of discussion has been how the Chinesenation can become prosperous and powerful in the 21st century. Although theyoung people on the Mainland and in Taiwan live in different social contexts(environments / milieus), with their individually different experiences oflife, in the innermost recesses of their hearts are wrought an indelible markby the fine traditions of the Chinese culture. They all cherish the same idealto rejuvenate the Chinese nation (They share the same ideal to rejuvenate theChinese nation). In this great epoch at the turn of the century, our motherlandis developing toward greater prosperity and powerfulness. People across theTaiwan Straits are bound to strengthen their exchanges and will mutuallypromote the earliest possible achievement of the great cause of reunificationof the motherland. The precious opportunities and the tremendous challenges atthe turn of the century have pushed the young people to the foreground(forefront) of the historical arena (stage). At this transitional phase betweenthe two millennia, in what way the young generation should embrace theforthcoming new century replete with hopes is a question to which we have toseek an answer.



The glory of Vancouverhas been achieved through the wisdom and the industry of the Vancouver people,including the contributions of many ethnic groups. Canada, sparsely populated,has a territory larger than that of China, but its population is onlyless than 30 million. Consequently, to attracting immigrants from othercountries has become a national policy long practiced/followed/cherished byCanada. All Canadians except the American Indians, so to speak, are foreignimmigrants, differing only in the length of time they have settled in Canada.Vancouver, in particular, is one of the few most celebrated multi-ethnic citiesin the world. Among the 1.8 million Vancouver residents, half of them arenon-natives and one out of every four residents is from Asia. The 250,000 Chinesethere have played a decisive role in the transformation of Vancouver's economy.Half of them have come to settle in Vancouver over the past five years only,rendering Vancouver the largest area outside Asia where the Chinese inhabit.



The first-generationmuseums in the world are museums of natural history. With fossils and specimensthey introduce to people the evolution of the earth and various livingorganisms on it. The second-generation museums are those of industrialtechnology. Fruits of various stages of industrial civilization are on displayhere. Although these two generations of muslins have played the role ofspreading scientific knowledge, they regard visitors as passive spectators.

The world’sthird-generation museums are full of completely new concepts. Here visitors cancarry out operations and careful observations themselves. In this way they comecloser to advanced achievements in science and technology so as to probe intotheir mystery.



In his later years(Late in his life), Qiao Yu has become enamored of fishing (developed apenchant / special fondness for fishing). He asserts: “ Mostly speaking, aplace with water and fish must necessarily be blessed with a nice setting,which in return keeps people in good mood. I believe that the optimum fishingplaces are not those commercial fishing centers which provide the fishermenwith all the conveniences and where fish are kept hungry for ready capture, butthose naturally-formed places in the wilderness which exert a special appeal.”According to him, fishing can constitute an activity conducive to thecultivation of one’s temperament and to one’s health, at once physical andpsychological. Qiao Yu claims: “Fishing can be divided into three stages. Thefirst stage consists of mere fish-eating; the second a combination offish-eating and the pleasure (enjoyment) of fishing; the third primarily thepleasure of fishing when, confronted with a pond of clear water, one puts asideall his troubling vexations and annoyances and enjoys the total relaxation bothmentally and physically.”



The bounty of natureis equal to everyone, rich or poor, and therefore all men are strongly attachedto her. This is particularly true in the rural areas, where people have keptthe same lifestyle for a millennium or so. They plant crops and grapevines,brew wine to drink, feed cows to milk, and weed gardens to grow flowers. Theygo to church at weekends, and they meet in the square on holidays, playing theviolin, singing and dancing. The age-old land remains the same as their familyhearth. Each place boasts its folklore and thereby social customs go down.



Before I fell ill, myparents doted on me a lot. I could have my way at home. Once I was isolated andconfined in a chamber on the hillside of the garden, I suddenly felt I wasneglected and became very depressed. One spring evening, my parents held aBanquet in the garden, where all sorts of flowers were in full bloom. In notime, a crowd of their guests collected and laughter was heard all over there.I, without being noticed, lifted the curtain in my small room, only to spy thebustle of a kaleidoscopic world down in the garden, and my elder sisters,brothers and my cousins, each full of the joys of spring, were shuttling amongthe guests. Quickly enough, I was thrown into a fist of sorrowful anger atbeing forgotten and discarded by the rest and could not help crying my heartout.



We should not be tooromantic in interpersonal relations. Human beings are interesting in that theytend to first see good in a new acquaintance. This is like dining in arestaurant. You will be not only favorably impressed with the first twocourses. However, the more you have, the more sober you become until the dinnerends up with all the flaws exposed. Consequently, your joy would give way toanger; your praises to criticism or even fault-finding; and your nodding inagreement to shaking the head. What accounts for all this is, in the firstplace, you are hungry when you start to eat. As the saying goes, “Hunger is thebest sauce”, and vice versa.



What is thesignificance of life? Is there any gauge to measure it? It would be verydifficult, of course, trying to propose an absolute standard. However, thesignificance of one’s existence can more or less be evaluated by examining hisattitude toward life and work.

Since ancient times,all people of accomplishment have been very serious about their lives. Whilethey are alive, even if there is only one day left to live, they try to work ashard as they can and learn as much as possible, never letting a single day slipby without any gain. This is true of the working people as well as of the greatstatesmen and great thinkers in our history.



Ever since ancienttimes, Chinese people have never regarded man as a supreme creature. Works ofphilosophy, literature and art all reflect that man, instead of being dominant,is put in a proportionally reasonable position among all the creatures of thenatural world. Therefore, our mental sufferings, as compared with westerners’,are fewer and less intense, since the extent of suffering varies with theintensity of desire and ambition. Man in an agricultural society had far lesscomfort than man in an industrial society, and hence, much less desire.Besides, the most predominant philosophy in ancient China had always been thatman should neither overly indulge himself in material comfort nor be controlledby it.



It is by theriverside, which itself makes really imposing scenery, that the flock of sheepwere grazing silently. Almost none of them had any time to raise their heads totake a look at the beautiful dusk. Perhaps they were losing no time to take alast chew before returning home. This is what happened on the bank of theYellow River, where there was no sign of the shepherd. No one knew where he wasresting, and the creatures were left alone to enjoy the dusk. Here the waterwas abundant and the grass luxuriant, which made the sheep grow fat. Ifapproaching, you could find their white teeth, as well as their rich butunsophisticated expressions.



It is true, on mypart, that we each have in our possession a pretty little garden, our innerworld, as well as our faculties, requires to be cultivated. A human beingdiffers from an animal in having his inner world, apart from the many otherdistinguishing features. Heart is no more than an internal organ whereas theinner world, which takes shape in the process of being acted on by the outsideworld, serves as a“landscape”. We definitely take great care of ourheart and that of our beloved to make sure they are healthy, and we suffer fromnervousness and fears even with a minor heart discomfort. But the same amountof care is not always devoted to the conditions of our inner world and that ofour beloved ones.



Cell phones havecreated new human relations. Notices are often seen on the doors of conferencerooms, requesting participants to switch off their cell phones. But,, one canstill hear phones ringing here and there inside. Even though we are onlyordinary people engaged in no important work, we still are unwilling to turnoff our phones, as they symbolize our connection with the outside world andindicate our“thirst forsociety”. Whatmost frequently happens is that a phone user would stop walking suddenly,sending short text messages with his eyes glued to the screen, regardless ofwhether he is in the middle of the road or beside a restroom.



Common interests andsimilar temperaments play vital roles in the formation and maintenance offriendships. Without them, friendships will fall apart. Friends, no matter howclose and intimate they are, should still maintain boundaries and respect foreach other. Or else the tacit understanding and balance will be broken, whichcosts the friendship. Everyone hopes to own their personal space. Carelessnesswill easily trespass upon others’privacy,when conflicts and misunderstanding arise. Disrespect, even out of a trifle,may turn out to be an apple of discord. The best way to maintain a closefriendship is to have principled contacts and mutual respect.



Being hasty and atleisure are two quite distinct lifestyles. But in the real world, people haveto frequently shuttle between these two lifestyles, sometimes not sure whetherthey are“at ease”or “in a rush”.

For example, we areenjoying our holidays in the resort while suddenly we receive phone calls fromthe boss who tells us there are some troubles with our customers and work--soat this moment the modern, convenient and advanced device shows its vicious andgloomy features--and we lose all our interest. The subsequent leisure is themere showy for we are in a restless and anxious state of mind.



With pains gatheringin her heart, she felt something burning hot between her eyebrows. Her chestwas brimmed with depression and sorrow which was about to run out of her throatin any moment. She could not think straight when the headmaster told her thatthe child suffered from developmental retardation. She strode up and down inthe room where other children were staying. There was only one window in theroom, out of which some shady trees were dancing.“Just leave it here”, she thought to herself,“This might be the best choice. There arekind-hearted priests and nuns and the place will be renovated into a MedicareCenter”. The child would beher secret kept in the buildings behind the woods.



Lifeis like a glass of wine. Wonders never cease for those who truly enjoy it. Ifyou hold the glass in your hand and observe the wine carefully, you can see itssanguine color just like our blood, a symbol of life. Take a sip and hold thewine in your mouth for its aromas and flavors as bittersweet as your life iscomplex and confused. Swallow the wine and let the aftertaste permeate everycell in your body and stay there enduringly. It is true that the older thevintage is, the better the wine tastes. Likewise, the richer one's life is, thebetter it becomes. When you are in your twilight years, it's just like a bottleof fine wine to be opened, deep and quiet in its color yet abundant ingenerosity and wisdom in its flavor.



AfterI graduated from primary school, relatives and friends all suggested that Ishould drop out and learn a trade to help my mother. Although I knew that Iought to seek a livelihood to relieve mother of hard work and distress, I stillaspired to go on with study. So I kept learning secretly. I had no courage totell mother about the idea until admitted to a normal school which providedfree uniforms, books, room and board. To enter the school, I had to pay tenYuan as a deposit. This was a large sum of money for my family. However, aftertwo weeks’ tough effort, mother managed to raise the money and sent me off toschool in tears afterwards. She would spare no pains for her son to win abright future. On the day when I was appointed the schoolmaster aftergraduation, mother and I spent a sleepless night. I said to her, "you canhave a rest in the future." but she replied nothing, only with tearsstreaming down her face.



Camellia’sflowering period starts from December and ends in the next April, and thecolors of the flowers are bright and showy with red in majority, yellow, whiteand other colors in minority. It’s the city’s largest camellia show in recentthree years, which fully displays camellia’s various species as well as human’sscientific research level of it. In order to provide the majority ofplant-lovers with more opportunities to closely appreciate the beauty ofcamellia, the area of the Camellia Show is extended to the whole garden so thatit can bring more convenience for the visitors.

TheCamellia Show takes over two months, in which more than 200 various camellias willbe presented successively.



Theyhave found that the flowing water, either a murmuring stream or a mighty river,passes quickly and never returns. With the passage of time, the young become theold and the green grass turns yellow. People naturally have a sense of urgency tovalue every bit of time. As time goes by, no matter how slowly it elapses(逝去,过去), people always use the word “passage” to warn the later generations forfear of time’s flowing away. They tell their descendants to treasure every singleminute and make a hurried action, which adds a sense of tension to the word.



Thereasons for the elders' mixed feelings about the New Year, I think, come downto the following two ones. For one thing, celebrating the New Year means agreat expense to them; for another, the fleeting time exerts considerablepressure on them. Kids may say excitedly that they begin another year in theirlife after the New Year, while elders may sigh, “Well, I’ve become one yearolder!” For the kids, the New Year means that they are making process in themost brilliant part of their life. On the contrary, for the elders, it's anindication that they are sliding into their declining years.

